
The 25 Best Crystals To Find Relief For Headaches And Migraines

There are many different types of headaches, from tension headaches to migraines. Headaches can take on many forms and present many symptoms beyond head pain, such as eye pain, neck pain, sinus pressure, and more. We’ve got the scoop on crystals for migraines!

With the use of crystals, they can help relieve any tension or pain you have from products.

While the cause of each type of headache may be different, they all share one common symptom: pain.

If you suffer from headaches or migraines, you know how debilitating they can be. The good news is that there are crystals that can help provide relief in different ways. Many of these crystals can be found in the United States and each have a unique frequency.

There are crystals you can use once you start to feel the beginnings of a headache. Here are the 25 best crystals to find relief for headaches and migraines.

1. Amethyst

The Amethyst is a powerful crystal that can help alleviate headaches and migraines. It works to calm the mind and relieve stress.

These are two things that can often be a trigger for both headaches and migraines. Amethyst crystals promote calming energy and can be worn as a necklace or bracelet, or they can be placed in a room to help create a calm and relaxing environment.

2. Clear Quartz

If you have a severe headache or migraine, clear quartz is another powerful crystal that can help bring relief. Clear quartz works to boost the immune system and eliminate negative energy, both of which can contribute to headaches and migraines.

It is considered a master healer, and can be worn as a necklace or bracelet, or it can be placed in a room to help create a positive quiet place and healing environment.

3. Rose Quartz

A favorite crystal among many, rose quartz is a gentle and calming crystal that can be helpful for headaches and migraines, as well as regulating blood flow.

It is common crystal healing information that it is considered a stone of unconditional love, it is also a symbol of feminine energy that helps to release stress and tension, which can often lead to these types of headaches.

Any type of quartz or quartz point is considered to be cleansing. This crystal can be worn as a necklace or bracelet, or it can be placed in a room to help create a peaceful and relaxing environment.

4. Ametrine

The Ametrine is a combination of amethyst and citrine, making it a powerful crystal for relieving headaches and migraines.

It helps to calm the mind and release stress and tension, while also boosting the immune system and eliminating negative energy.

You can wear this crystal as a necklace or bracelet or place it in a room to help create a positive and healing environment.

5. Black Tourmaline

The Black tourmaline is a powerful crystal that is often used to protect against negative energy. It can be helpful for headaches and migraines by repelling any energy flow that may be contributing to them.

Black tourmaline is potent when combined with the power of other crystals, but it is considered to be the most powerful when paired with selenite crystals.

This is because they both contain healing properties. You can wear it as a necklace or bracelet or place it in a room to help create a positive and protective environment. 

6. Blue Lace Agate

The Blue lace agate is a calming and soothing crystal that can be helpful for headaches and migraines. It is very useful as it targets any problems in your menstrual cycle and any hormonal imbalances, which are both key causes of a headache.

It helps to release stress and tension, while also promoting peace and calm. Wear this crystal as a necklace or bracelet. You can place it in a room to help create a relaxing and healing environment.

7. Chrysocolla

The Chrysocolla is a peaceful and calming crystal that can be helpful for headaches and migraines. It helps to release stress caused by negative energies.

This gem can be helpful for headaches and migraines by repelling any negative energy that may be contributing to them. It also helps people to work on inner peace.

This crystal can be worn as a necklace or bracelet, or it can be placed in a room to help create a positive and protective environment. Massage therapy is another great way to help.

8. Dioptase

The Dioptase is a protective crystal that can be helpful for headaches and migraines. There is a sense of mysticism surrounding dioptase due to its many healing abilities.

It works to release stress and tension, while also boosting the immune system and eliminating negative energy.

Wear this crystal as a necklace or bracelet. You can place it in a room to help create a positive and healing environment.

9. Fluorite

The Fluorite is a powerful crystal that can provide pain relief for headaches and migraines. Considered a crown chakra stone, the crystal works to boost the immune system and eliminate negative energy, both of which can contribute to these types of headache pain.

This crystal can be worn as a necklace or bracelet, or it can be placed in a room to help create a positive and healing environment.

10. Green Aventurine

The Green aventurine is a calming and soothing crystal that can be helpful for headaches and migraines. It can increase your energetic level, and helps to release stress and tension.

It also works to help with your emotional health. This crystal can be worn as a necklace or bracelet, or it can be placed in a room to help create a relaxing and healing environment.

11. Howlite

The Howlite is one of the most powerful crystals, and is a calming and soothing crystal that can be helpful for those who suffer from chronic headaches and migraines.

It helps to release stress and tension, wards off bad vibes, and also promotes peace and calm. You can wear this crystal as a necklace or bracelet. You can place it in a room to help create a relaxing and healing environment.

12. Jasper

The Jasper is a grounding and protective crystal that can be helpful for headaches and migraines. It helps to release stress and tension, while also repelling any negative energy that may be contributing to them.

In regards to the chakra system, Jasper is the gemstone of the solar plexus chakra, which means it can also be used for people who experience high stress levels, and other types of emotional stress.

You can wear this crystal as a necklace or bracelet with gemstone beads. You can place it in a room to help create a positive and protective environment.

13. Kyanite

The Kyanite is a calming and soothing crystal that can be helpful for headaches and migraines. Because it is a great crystal that works to release stress and tension, while also promoting peace and calm, it makes perfect sense that it’s used to combat headaches.

Kyanite also aids in any sleep cycle disturbance. This crystal can be worn as a necklace or bracelet, or it can be placed in a room to help create a relaxing and healing environment.

14. Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli

The lapis lazuli crystal is a powerful and protective crystal that can be helpful for headaches and migraines. It helps to release stress and tension, while also repelling any negative energy that may be contributing to them.

It also helps with regulating the body’s nervous system. This crystal can be worn as a necklace or bracelet, or it can be placed in a room to help create a positive and protective environment.

15. Malachite


If you suffer from cluster headaches or anything of the sorts, then malachite is a great crystal to help with.

Malachite is a powerful healing crystal that you can use for many different things. It helps to release stress and tension, while also boosting the immune system and eliminating negative energy.

This crystal can be worn as a necklace or bracelet, or it can be placed in a room to help promote positive energy.

16. Morganite

The Morganite is one of the best headache crystals. Mimicking the soothing energy of aquamarine, it is a calming and soothing crystal that can be helpful for headaches and migraines.

It helps to release stress and tension, while also promoting peace and calm. This crystal can be worn as a necklace or bracelet, or it can be placed in a room to help create a relaxing and healing environment.

17. Muscovite

The Muscovite is a calming and soothing crystal that can be helpful for headaches and migraines. It helps to release stress and tension, while also promoting peace and calm.

The peace muscovite creates makes it popular with the vibrations theory, since it helps people to balance themselves out.

This crystal can be worn as a necklace or bracelet, or it can be placed in a room to help create a relaxing and healing environment.

18. Obsidian

The Obsidian is a powerful and protective crystal that can be helpful for migraine headaches. It is an excellent choice because of its healing properties, and because it helps to release stress and tension.

It also works to repel any negative energy that may be causing your health problems. This crystal can be worn as a necklace or bracelet, or it can be placed in a room to help create a positive and protective environment.

19. Onyx

Onyx is a grounding and protective crystal that can be helpful for headaches and migraines. It helps to release stress and tension, while also repelling any negative energy that may be contributing to them.

This crystal can be worn as a necklace or bracelet, or it can be placed in a room to help create a positive and protective environment.

20. Peridot

The Peridot is a calming and healing crystal that can be helpful for headaches and migraines. It is believed that its iron content is what helps to release stress and tension, while also boosting the immune system, helping relieve any common ailments, and eliminating negative energy.

This crystal can be worn as a necklace or bracelet, or it can be placed in a room to help create a positive and healing environment.

21. Rhodonite

The Rhodonite is a calming and soothing crystal that can be helpful for headaches and migraines. It helps to release stress and tension and eases energy blockages, while also promoting peace and calm.

You can wear this crystal as a necklace or bracelet. You can also place it in a room to help create a relaxing and healing environment.

22.  Ruby

The Ruby is a powerful and protective crystal that can be helpful for a sinus headache and migraines. It helps to release stress and tension, while also repelling any negative energy that may be contributing to them.

Wear this crystal as a necklace or bracelet. Or place it in a room to help create a positive and protective environment.

23. Smokey Quartz

The Smokey quartz is a calming and grounding crystal, and is one of the best stones for headaches and migraines. It helps to release stress and tension, while also repelling any negative energy that may be contributing to them.

This crystal can be worn as a necklace or bracelet, or it can be placed in a room to help create a positive and grounding environment.

24. Sodalite

The Sodalite is a calming and soothing crystal that can be helpful for headaches and migraines. It is a powerful meditative stone that helps to release stress and tension, while also promoting peace and calm.

Wear this crystal as a necklace or bracelet. You can also place it in a room to help create a relaxing and healing environment.

25. Tiger’s Eye

The Tiger’s eye is one of the best healing stones, and is a calming and protective crystal that can be helpful for headaches and migraines. It helps to release stress and tension, decrease any stagnant energy, and also repels any negative energy that may be contributing to them.

This crystal can be worn as a necklace or bracelet, or it can be placed in a room to help create a positive and protective environment.

How To Use These Crystals For Your Migraines

1. Wear a crystal around your neck or wrist.

If you are experiencing a headache or migraine, try wearing a crystal around your neck or wrist. This will help to keep the energy of the crystal close to your body. Make sure to check your wrist size.

2. Place a crystal in your room.

If you are struggling with headaches or migraines, try placing a crystal in your room. The first place that you may think of is your room since you spend a good portion of time in there.

3. Use a crystal during meditation.

If you are experiencing headaches or migraines, try using a crystal during meditation. This can help to release tension and stress.

4. Carry a crystal with you.

Try carrying a crystal with you. This will help to keep the energy of the crystal close to you.

5. Use a crystal for massage.

If you are experiencing headaches or migraines, try using a crystal for massage. Many people choose to use a crystal point because of its shape.

6. Place crystals in your water bottle.

Try placing crystals in your water bottle. This can help to increase the healing and protective energy of the water.

7. Make a crystal elixir.

You can make a crystal elixir. There are many medicinal herbs that serve as a powerful antidote you can use in the process.

8. Create a crystal grid.

Try creating a crystal grid. This can help to increase the healing and protective energy of the crystals.

9. Place a crystal on your forehead.

Try placing a crystal on your forehead. It can help to release the tension that may be causing them.

10. Use crystals in aromatherapy.

Try using crystals in aromatherapy. This can help to release tension and stress.


The power of crystals can have an effect on your health. While it’s always good to heed medical advice, using crystals can be helpful for those who suffer with headaches and other small nuisance pains.

The next time you find that you are experiencing headaches or migraines, try using crystals in aromatherapy. This can help to release the tension and stress that may be causing them.

We hope these tips will help you to find relief from your headaches and migraines. While crystal therapy can be helpful, you should still seek regular medical care, and listen to your doctor’s advice.

If you have a headache that persists, that could be your body’s way of telling you there’s something seriously wrong.

It’s important to find the cause of your headache so you can receive adequate treatment. And remember, always consult a doctor if you are experiencing severe or chronic pain, and make sure to seek medical attention in the case of an emergency. 

The best ways to use these crystals are for your heart chakra, third eye chakra, and throat chakra. These powerful healing crystals can help the cause of your headache and much stress. If you want to learn more you can read about the firm scientific theory of crystals.

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