The Scoop On New Bachelor Matt James – Everything We Know
The Internet is buzzing after ABC’s The Bachelor announced their next leading man: Matt James. Before his season starts, we already know that he is kind-hearted, selfless, fun-loving, and as usual, ridiculously attractive. Matt’s participation in this role is marking history for The Bachelor franchise in that he is the show’s first male black lead. We are so excited to watch Matt find love!
There’s a lot to love about this guy and anticipation is high as his season of The Bachelor approaches. January 2021 can’t come soon enough!
He is excited to bring diversity to a show that has otherwise lacked it in the past
Through the shows string of seasons, there has never been a leading black male and it was long past time for that to change. In an article about The Bachelor‘s announcement about Matt, the New York Times said, “calls for change mounted in recent days as previous participants on the show made statements pushing ABC to address the problem and an online petition argued that the franchise “should reflect and honor the racial diversity of our country.” We are so glad to see changes being made and we think Matt James will give us the best season yet!
He’s incredibly handsome- we’re already swooning
Look at this man! We cannot find a single flaw. He’s just gorgeous. We are not going to have any problem staring at him all season.
He’s generous- he devotes much of his life to ABC Food Tours- an organization that he started himself
ABC Food Tours is an organization based out of NYC that was started by Matt James that engages, educates and feeds underserved children in the New York community. He dedicates a ton of time and resources to the incredible program that is close to his heart. Check out the website to see how you can help!
He loves his mama- she’s all over his social media
It’s no secret that Matt James loves his Mama because she’s all over his Instagram. Pictures of them cuddling up and adventuring in New York fill his Instagram feed. His outspoken love for her tells fans that they are close and she will likely be a source of wisdom for him throughout his Bachelor journey. He explained on Good Morning America: “I’m just going to lean into myself and how my mom raised me, and hopefully when people invite me into their homes on Monday nights, they’re going to see that I’m not much different from them and they see that diverse love stories are beautiful.”
He’s a Christian
Matt’s Instagram bio includes “believer” and he often includes Bible verses in his social media captions. We are excited to see how his faith plays into his time on the show, as we’ve seen former Bachelor/Bachelorette’s balance their religious beliefs with reality tv. Between his charity work and the way he loves those around him, he really seems to be walking the walk.
He’s ridiculously fit- social media depicts his active lifestyle and it shows
Is there anything he can’t do? On social media he is always running, skateboarding, surfing, playing sports…we’re exhausted just watching him go. His fit body is definitely proof that all of his activity pays off! Chris Harrison, please provide many opportunities for Matt James to take his shirt off this season.
He likes to have fun! These Bachelor dates are sure to be full of adventure!
There’s no shortage of fun when Matt is around, which we hope means plenty of adventurous dates on his season of The Bachelor. Seasons with adrenaline junkies always result in some crazy first dates and incredibly romantic heart-pounding moments. We can’t wait to see what Matt James has planned for the women on his season.
His longtime friend is Tyler Cameron- and therefore, he’s friends with Hannah Brown too
Apparently, Tyler Cameron and Matt James met on the football field of their alma mater, Wake Forest University. The pair hit it off and have been close friends ever since. They laugh together, play together, and even do work for ABC Food Tour work together. If there was ever a better pair of guys, we sure haven’t seen it. Though the nature of Tyler and Hannah’s relationship hasn’t always been crystal clear, they do spend a lot of time together. This means that Hannah B. and Matt James have become fast friends and boy, do these guys have fun together!
He’s a funny guy- his Tiktok is full of entertaining content and he will definitely keep the girls laughing
Every woman wants a guy with a good sense of humor and Matt definitely has that! He is sure to keep us and the 25 hopeful-Mrs.-James laughing and we can’t wait to see the hijinks of his season play out. If you need more Matt content, check out his TikTok.
He’s a real estate broker who lives in New York City- he’s incredibly intelligent and successful (come on ladies, he’s a total package deal)
Matt James is a Wake Forest University graduate who now lives full-time in The Big Apple. He majored in economics and now uses those skills in both his professional career and his entrepreneurial endeavors with ABC Food Tour!
He’s been peacefully protesting for the Black Lives Matter movement
Matt James is very outspoken about supporting the Black Lives Matter movement. He even attended a peaceful protest in Miami, Floria with Tyler C. He’s an activist who uses his platform to spread love, awareness, understanding, and representation, which he will definitely bring to the show.
He’s been donating to aid those affected by COVID-19 through his Cameo account
Though his appearances on Cameo originally got him in trouble with Bachelorette, Clare Crawley, he announced that the money he was earning on the app was being donated to the Robin Hood Foundation. The foundation helps serve those affected by poverty in New York. This was just another example of Matt using his platform to help others!
He likes Cinnamon Toast Crunch- to the women that get cast for his season, do with that information what you will
Though we don’t fully understand what’s happening in this picture, we absolutely love it. He looks great in a robe, he pours cereal before the milk and he’s got great taste in late-night snacks. We can only imagine the number of first-night limo interactions that will have to do with Cinnamon Toast Crunch after this post.
He might just be the best bachelor we’ve had in quite some time- he does it all and he’s ready for love
We couldn’t possibly be more excited to see Matt James grace our television screens and we are hopeful that he will find the magical love story that he deserves. He is the total package and seems to have a good head on his shoulders- ready to embrace all that The Bachelor franchise entails. That, combined with his friendship with former Bachelorette contestants who can give him advice, his season is sure to end with a beautiful proposal. We just want to know, who’s the lucky girl? We might be a little jealous.

As of now, ABC hopes that Matt James’ season of The Bachelor will premiere in January 2021 as the show usually does, but with the COVID-19 crisis affecting production schedules, they are not completely sure yet. There’s a lot to love about this guy and now you have everything you need to know about the new leading man!
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