
The Scoop on The Future of Food: #EatDrinkBeMerry

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Food always brings people together. Whether you and your family are sitting down to a cozy holiday dinner, or you are making kids smile at a community bake sale, food always finds a way to bring people together.

Online communities also bring people together, so why not join an online community specifically for food lovers? For major foodies who love trying new recipes and talking all about your favorite brands, I have great news.

I am so happy to share that I am partnering with C Space to raise awareness and give you all the scoop on an American Food producer’s exciting new research community!

All About the Community

Do you want to change the future of food? This private research community will consist of food lovers all across America who want to engage with other foodies and talk all about their favorite brands.

Community members and facilitators will share discussion topics, polls and news so there will always be something new! Also, this is a private research community so all participant feedback and opinions are confidential.

By sharing your opinions regarding food and grocery shopping-related topics with other members, you will directly influence a major food company’s future offerings!

New members will receive a $5 Amazon gift code just for logging in and participating. You can also earn monthly Amazon gift codes for actively participating. Click here to get started!

You and other community members can #EatDrinkBeMerry together while sharing your opinions on all of your favorite foods!

Why Should You Join?

As many food lovers know, food is a very social topic. Whether you are cooking a big meal for your family and everyone is helping in the kitchen, or you are bringing a delicious salad to a neighbors picnic, food always starts a conversation.

Thanks to C Space and the major food company’s research community, food lovers across the country now have a chance to meet, talk to, and share opinions with each other all from home.

If you’re a food lover who wants to discuss all things food, take the qualifying survey here: https://cspace.mvk.co/28g0o

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