The Top 7 Things To Do At Harry Potter World

top 7 things to do at harry potter world

There are plenty of fun things to do and eat at Universal Studios. For a Harry Potter fan, the best part is visiting Harry Potter World. You’ll feel exactly like you’re entering Hogwarts and it’s magical. Just be sure to dress up in your house robes for that extra authentic look.

1.Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey

This ride is incredibly intense and so much fun! You actually feel like you’re flying through Hogwarts and the forbidden forest. You’ll love all of the small details from Dumbledore’s Office to the Room of Requirement. But beware of those spiders. AS Ron says, “follow the spiders, why couldn’t it be follow the butterflies?”

flight of the hippogriff ride

2. Flight of the Hippogriff

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to ride on Buckbeak? Well, this coaster comes closest to the real life feeling of soaring through the sky on a Hippogriff. This rollercoaster is family friendly and less intense than the Forbidden Journey ride. You’ll see some of your favorite places including Hagrid’s Hut and his infamous pumpkin patch which can be seen in the Prisoner of Azkaban. If you’re a big fan of Hagrid, you’ll love this ride because you even get to hear his voice.

3. The Dungeons/ Filch’s Emporium of Confiscated Goods

After exiting the Forbidden Journey ride, you’ll be taken into the dungeons where children are kept during detention. There are many different souvenirs to buy in the shop from clothing, accessories, mugs, plushes, and so much more. I purchased my very own Slytherin hat and wear it almost every week!

One of the best parts of the dungeons is that every employee is playing a specific character with their own story to share. If you ask an employee why they’re in detention, they will give you an elaborate and rather hilarious story.

Store at Harry Potter World

4. The Three Broomsticks

In the books and movies, we all know that Three Broomsticks is mentioned in every visit to Hogsmeade. You’ll love the authentic and realistic feel of the restaurant. Three Broomsticks has authentic British foods mentioned in the books including Shepards Pie, Fish & Chips, and so much more. Plus, the restaurant includes alcohol and vegetarian foods.

5. Hog’s Head

You’ll feel cool heading into Hog’s Head–which actually includes a large Hog Head in the pub! The pub looks and feels exactly like the one in the movies. The drinks are all based on Harry Potter including Hog’s Head Brew, Butterbeer, Pumpkin Juice, and even Gillywater. Tell Aberforth that we say hello.

6. Ollivanders

Ollivanders at Harry Potter World

The wand chooses the wizard and this applies to the Universal store as well. When entering the storefront, you may be a lucky guest that gets to pick their own wand full of a magical and interactive performance in the shop. Even better is that each wand interacts with the shops and can make objects move around by moving the wand in different directions.

7. Honeydukes

Do you have a sweet tooth? We all know that Honeydukes is the perfect place to go for all of you candy needs. The shop is magical once entering and features several different candies from the film including Chocolate Frogs, Cockroach Clusters, Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans, Fizzing Whizzbees, and so many more! Be sure to pick up the Chocolate Frogs for the 3D collectible cards inside.

Honeydukes at Harry Potter World

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter in California has a lot to offer for every Harry Potter fan. You’ll love sipping on some butterbeer with your friends while staring at the beautiful replica of Hogwarts. The interactive employees really sets the mood for a magical day. Be sure to check out street performances done by Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. Also, be sure to get a selfie in front of the Knight Bus and the conductor. Will this be a trip to remember? Always.

Make sure to check out our Top 20 Harry Potter Items to Buy on Amazon!

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