Top 175+ Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) Quotes Of All Time (2024)
The Marvel Cinematic Universe continues to give fans amazing films and shows, with fantastic stories, lovable characters, and incredible writing. This franchise is incredibly quotable among friends and families. Whether you love the heroes or the villains, there are always great Marvel quotes from your favorite characters.
Fans of all ages can enjoy these movies, thanks to Stan Lee introducing us to a wide variety of exciting adventures and heroes. Whether you have been a Marvel fan for life or recently discovered the MCU, you will no doubt enjoy quoting these great movies!

Marvel movies and tv shows are widely successful, thanks to the creative teams who bring these beloved comic books to life like Stan Lee, Louis D’esposito, Jon Favreau, and many more! Marvel comics have something for everyone, so these movies and shoes appeal to audiences across the globe.
Here’s the scoop on the best Marvel quotes Of All Time!
1. “Avengers, assemble!” -Steve Rogers, Avengers: Endgame

These two words left audiences across the globe with goosebumps. After every avenger, sorcerer, and Wakandian returned from the blip, Captain America assembled his team and movies haven’t been the same since.
Chris Evans brings this iconic character to life to lead a group of remarkable people to save the world.
2. “I am Iron Man.” -Tony Stark, Iron Man
It’s crazy to think that these four words started the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and also brought a big chapter of it to a close. Whether it’s hearing Tony say these words to release his identity or to save the world, these words stay iconic.
3. “I am Inevitable.” -Thanos, Avengers: Endgame
The last words Thanos would speak in the MCU. As he thought he was getting the win over the avengers, he was vastly surprised by the switch Tony made. So following these mesmerizing words we here our number 2 pick!
4. “He may have been your father, boy, but he wasn’t your daddy.” -Yondu, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
When Yondu tells Peter Quil this, I was all tears. Since Peter was abducted by aliens, he never knew his father. But, Yondu assures him that even though he wasn’t Peter’s biological father, he was Peter’s dad or should I say daddy.
5. “I love you 3000.” -Morgan Stark, Avengers: Endgame
When Morgan tells her dad that she loves him 3000, it is simply one of the cutest moments in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This is one of the most memorable and heartfelt Endgame quotes.
6. “Everyone fails at who they are supposed to be, Thor. The measure of a person, of a hero…is how well they succeed at being who they are.” -Frigga, Avengers: Endgame
Seeing Thor transform into a depressed overweight version of himself was a tough sight to see. But, him encountering his mother moments before she dies was even tougher.
This scene gives us a heartwarming mother-son scene and reignites Thor’s inner fire.
7. “But a thing isn’t beautiful because it lasts. It’s a privilege to be among them.” -Vision, Avengers: Age of Ultron
Vision tells Ultron this after they have a battle of wits, and Ultron asks why Vision defends humans. Vision says this about the human kind and it is such a beautiful moment.
8. “On your left.” -Steve Rogers, Captain America: The Winter Solider
This is a common phrase thrown around between Steve and Sam in the course of the film and it all starts here. When Sam Wilson is running, he keeps being lapsed by Steve Rogers who just says, “On your left”.
This was a funny moment but most importantly it becomes a running joke between the two friends.
9. “We are groot.” -Groot, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.1
Groot can only say three words, and that is “I am Groot”. But when it comes to saving the rest of the Guardians of the Galaxy, he utters three words. We. Are. Groot.
10. “I can’t control your fear, I can only control mine.” -Wanda, Avengers Age of Ultron
With all the horrific moments that Wanda went through in her life, it is really inspiring to hear her come to terms with her feelings and powers. The Scarlet Witch can sink into peoples darkest fears, but she can’t control them, she can only amplify them.
11. “I can do this all day.” -Captain America, Every film he is in
Leave it to Captain America to give us one of the most iconic Marvel quotes of all time!
No matter what villains he faces, Steve Rogers is always ready to fight. This is just one of the many reasons that Marvel fans love Captain America!
12. “No man can win every battle, but no man should fall without a struggle.” -Peter Parker, Spiderman Homecoming
This is a great quote to live by! Like in life you’re not always going to win or get what your way, but you should always fight for what you believe is right whether you win or lose, and this is what Spider-man abides by.
13. “What did it cost? Everything.” -Gamora/Thanos, Avengers: Infinity War
Seeing a young Gamora appear after Thanos made the snap, showed how admit Thanos was about getting his balanced universe. However, it meant sacrificing his favorite daughter.
14. “I’m Mary Poppins y’all!” -Yondu, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2
After asking Peter Quill if Mary Poppins was cool, and being told yes Yondu screams it aloud that he is Mary Poppins. Also it’s a hilarious scene that makes this lifesaving moment so much better and in style with the Guardians saga.
Yondu may not understand every pop culture reference but this heartwarming scene proves that Mary Poppins is undeniably cool!
15. “That’s my secret, Captain I’m always angry.”-Bruce Banner, The Avengers
Finding out that Bruce Banner stays upset, in order to change in and out of the hulk was a huge revelation. Also this makes sense because of how easily he gets upset and can transform into hulk so seamlessly.
16. ” We have a hulk.” -Tony Stark, The Avengers
When Loki begins to talk with Tony Stark about how he has an army and the tesseract. So, Tony informs him that they have something better. And that better is the hulk!
17. “Don’t waste it. Don’t waste your life.” -Ho Yinsen, Iron Man
When Ho Yinsen is dying and tells Tony this, it makes for a dramatic moment. Above all this starts the heroic rise of Tony Stark.
18. “He’s a friend from work!” -Thor, Thor: Ragnorak
Leave it to the God of Thunder to give us one of the most funny Marvel quotes!
After Thor is asked how he knows The Hulk, he simply says that “he’s a friend from work”. This scene was so funny and brought a new light to Thor, and personally made him a more lovable character to myself.
19. “Vengeance has consumed you. It’s consuming them. I’m done letting it consume me.” -T’Challa, Captain America: Civil War
When T’Challa finds Zemo he is ready to shoot himself, after feeling satisfied about destroying the avengers. This was a great scene because Civil War was built on vengeance from angle whether it was T’challa, Zemo, Tony Stark, or even Steve Rogers.
T’challa showing that he can overcome this and bring in his fathers killer, we can see the true hero and great king that he is.
20.”Is this your king? Huh? Is this your king? He’s supposed to protect you! To lead Wakanda into the future! Nah, I’m your king!”-Killmonger, Black Panther
This moment brought chills down my spine! Seeing Killmonger defeat T’Challa was remarkable. In conclusion, it was like watching your favorite fighter lose to a rookie.
21.“I’m gonna have to rain check that dance.” -Steve Rogers, Captain America: The First Avenger
When Steve Rogers ultimately decides to make his sacrifice for the greater good, he is faced with losing the only girl he’s ever loved. So, he postpones his date with Peggy Carter. Then he goes he crashes the Hydra ship into the arctic and is frozen for almost a lifetime.
Steve chooses doing the right thing over doing the selfish thing and this moment is heartbreaking.
22. “Mr. Stark, I Don’t Feel So Good.”-Peter Parker, Avengers Infinity: War
Peter Parker gives fans one of the most heartbreaking Marvel quotes of all time. As everyone begins to vanish from Thanos’s snap, we begin to see our favorite heroes fade away.
But, the most hard one to watch fade was Peter Parker, as he looked at Tony Stark and began to panic. As we see Peter panic and fade away fans are left in tears.
23. “I Am Groot.”-Groot, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.1
I am Groot.
24. ““You shouldn’t have killed my mom and squished my Walkman.” -Peter Quill, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
This is Peter’s last line before taking revenge on his father and it’s such a great line. Combined with the very pain of losing his mother and the less severe pain of losing his Walkman, Peter is furious and wants his father to pay!
25. “I had him on the ropes.”-Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes, Captain America
Captain America and The Winter Soldier have one of the greatest Marvel friendships of all time!
Similarly to Sam and Steve, Bucky and Steve also have little phrases and inside jokes they share with each other. Whenever one of the two was down or losing a fight and would get helped by the other they would say “I had him on the ropes”.
26. “In times of crisis, the wise build bridges while the foolish build barriers.” -T’Challa, Black Panther
In a post-credits scene, T’Challa addresses the United Nations to talk about the future of Wakanda.
Throughout his speech, T’Challa showcases his true leadership and strength. This scene gives fans some of their favorite Marvel quotes ever!
27. “You think life takes more than it gives, but not today. Today it’s giving us something. It is giving us a chance.” -Star-Lord, Guardians of the Galaxy
Star-Lord may be an unconventional leader, but there is no doubt he is good at his job.
When he needs their help, Star-Lord gives his team a heartfelt motivational speech. While he may start off calling them “losers” as in “folks who have lost stuff” he makes compelling points. The Guardians of the Galaxy are ready for the battle of Xandar.
28. “It’s alright, you could never hurt me. I just feel you.” -Vision, Avengers: Infinity War
When Thanos is trying to get the last infinity stone, Vision knows that his time is up. Rather than dying at the hands of Thanos, he asks Wanda Maximoff to use her power and destroy the stone.
Heartbroken, Wanda does not want to murder the love of her life, but knows she has no choice. Vision sweetly talks her through his final moments and assures her that he feels no pain. He only feels her.
29. “Well let me know if real power wants a magazine or something.” -Nick Fury, The Avengers
What Nick Fury lacks in superpowers he makes up for in quick wit and sarcasm!
While Loki is imprisoned in The Avengers, Nick Fury decides to pay him a visit. The God of Mischief boasts about having real power, but Fury is unfazed. By offering a magazine, Fury reminds Loki that he is in no position to be bragging.
Considering that Loki usually has all of the witty comebacks, it is fun to see Fury take him down a peg, and Samuel L. Jackson does this perfectly!
30. “I can feel the righteousness surging!” -Loki, Thor: The Dark World
Marvel fans can always count on Loki for some comic relief!
While Loki and Thor are escaping from Asgard, Loki keeps shapeshifting. At one point he turns into Captain America and jokes with Thor about Steve’s classic good-guy personality.
Watching the most devious characters pretend to be one of the most straight-laced characters is a great way to add some humor into a tense scene.
31. “We’re in the endgame now.” -Dr. Stephen Strange, Avengers: Infinity War
In order to save Tony Stark’s life, Dr. Strange gives Thanos the time stone. Thanos takes the stone and immediately disappears.
Tony asks, “Why would you do that?” and Strange simply replies, “We’re in the endgame now.” His response not only explains that the fight to stop Thanos is reaching a breaking point, but he also hints at the title of the next movie Avengers Endgame.
This is one of the most chilling and ominous Dr. Strange quotes.
32. “Let me go. It’s okay.” -Black Widow, Avengers: Endgame
Black Widow and Hawkeye go to Vormir to retrieve the Soul Stone, but realize that a sacrifice must be made.
After the two friends battle each other, they both end up hanging off the cliff. Hawkeye is tethered and he’s holding on to Black Widow, but she tell him to let her go.
Assuring her friend that it is alright, Natasha Romanoff falls to her death. Heartbroken, Hawkeye then wakes up safe with the Soul Stone secured and mourns the loss of Black Widow.
For more awesome quotes from your favorite Russian spy check out Top 12 Quotes From Marvel’s “Black Widow!”
33. “I have nothing to prove to you.” – Carol Danvers, Captain Marvel
Captain Marvel finally stands up for herself and shows off her skills at the same time!
When Carol is fighting with her former mentor Yon-Rogg he says, “Prove to me you can beat me-.” Suddenly, Carol cuts him off and blasts him away. Embracing her own strength and power, she says “I have nothing to prove to you.” You go girl!
After learning about her past life and reuniting with her friend Maria Rambeau Carol no longer trusts Yon-Rogg, and this moment proves it!
34. “I do anything and everything that Mr. Stark requires—including occasionally taking out the trash.” -Pepper Potts, Iron Man
Before marrying Tony, Pepper Potts worked as his personal assistant and catered to his every need.
She explains her duties while escorting one of Tony’s one-night-stands out of the house. It is subtle lines like this that make fans fall in love with her.
35. “Genius. Billionaire. Playboy. Philanthropist.” -Tony Stark, The Avengers
Before The Avengers became a cohesive team of superheroes, they did not all get along. During an argument, Steve Rogers asks Tony Stark “Big man in a suit of armor, take that off what are you?”
Without missing a beat, Tony lists his accomplishments with one of the most iconic Marvel movie quotes, “Genius. Billionaire. Playboy. Philanthropist.”
36. “When you said you would take me to California for the first time, I thought you meant Coachella or Disneyland.” -Shuri, Black Panther
At the end of Black Panther, T’Challa takes Shuri to Oakland, California. They visit the building where their father killed Killmonger’s father.
The scene is important because it helps T’Challa realize that Wakanda’s resource will better help people worldwide. However, Shuri breaks the tension with one of her funny observations. In this case, she’s disappointed by her visit to California.
37. “I’ll get you all the cheeseburgers you want.” -Happy Hogan, Avengers: Endgame
In Avengers: Endgame, the Avengers lose beloved team member Tony Stark. After his funeral, Happy sits with Tony’s daughter Morgan.
Happy asks Morgan if she’s hungry, and she says that she wants cheeseburgers. Happy tells Morgan that her dad liked cheeseburgers.
Even though Tony is gone, Happy will still be there for Morgan. Getting her all the cheeseburgers she wants is just his way of taking care of her.
This is also a callback to the first Iron Man movie when Tony first returns home and says, “I’ve been in captivity for three months, there are two things I want to do. I want an American cheeseburger, and the other-it’s not what you think-I want you to call for a press conference.”
38. “I’m made of rocks, as you can see. But don’t let that intimidate you. You don’t need to be afraid unless you’re made of scissors. Just a little rock-paper-scissor joke for you.” -Korg, Thor: Ragnarok
Sakaar is where Thor is forced to become a gladiator and also where he meets Korg. When Korg introduces himself to Thor, he makes a hilarious rock-paper-scissors joke!
Korg is the friendliest rock monster who always manages to look on the bright side. His upbeat attitude and charming New Zealand accent easily make Marvel fans fall in love with him.
39. “I think you look great, Cap. As far as I’m concerned, that’s America’s ass.” -Ant-Man, Avengers: Endgame
Leave it to Ant-Man to give us one of the funniest Marvel quotes ever! Scott Lang is an unapologetic fan of Captain America, so he shows his love for the first Avenger whenever he can.
When the Avengers go back in time to get the infinity stones, Tony remarks that Captain America’s old suit does not flatter his figure. Ant-Man jumps to defend his hero and delivers one of the most quotable lines from the MCU, “That’s America’s ass.”
This line is just one of the many reasons that Endgame is lost of people’s favorite superhero movie ever!
40. “If you’re nothing without this suit, then you shouldn’t have it.” -Tony Stark, Spider-Man: Homecoming
After Peter Parker inadvertently destroys the Staten Island Ferry, Tony Stark takes away the Spider-Man suit. Peter objects saying, “I’m nothing without this suit.”
Here, Tony teaches Peter a lesson about being a hero saying, “If you’re nothing without this suit, then you shouldn’t have it.” Peter does not believe in his own abilities because he relies on the suit. Peter only gets the suit back once he proves himself as a true hero.
41. “I’ll explain when you’re older, Hawkeye.” -Laura Barton, Avengers: Age Of Ultron
When Laura Barton asks Clint Barton about Natasha and Bruce’s obvious romantic connection, Clint is oblivious. Laura then uses the classic parent line “I’ll tell you when you’re older” on him.
This line shows Laura’s sarcastic side as she pokes fun at her husband, Hawkeye, for not having eyes like a hawk to see Natasha and Bruce’s connection.
42. “What is this thing? Look how it thinks it’s so cool. It’s not cool to get help. Walk by yourself you little gargoyle.” -Rocket, Guardians of the Galaxy
When it comes to Rocket’s insults, not even toddlers are safe. Rocket Raccoon is known for his sharp tongue and sarcasm, but one of his funniest lines is directed at a child.
Rocket sees a toddler walking, holding their parents hand. Apparently, he feels threatened enough to insult the child and call them a gargoyle.
43. “Puny god.” -The Hulk, The Avengers
During a fight scene in The Avengers, Loki faces off with The Hulk. The god of mischief says, “I am a god, you dull creature” before The Hulk cuts him off and smashes him repeatedly into the ground.
Walking away from a now very wounded Loki, The Hulk calls him a “Puny god.” It is safe to say that the great Loki of Asgard will think twice the next time he comes face to face with The Hulk.
This scene is hilarious and gives fans one of the best Avengers quotes ever!
44. “You’re The Spiderling. Crime-Fighting Spider. You’re Spider-Boy?” -Tony Stark, Captain America: Civil War
It’s hard to imagine a world without Spider-Man. But before Tony Stark recruits Peter Parker to the Avengers, that it exactly what we have.
When Tony confronts Peter about his abilities, he calls Peter every possible name other than Spider Man. Thankfully, Peter corrects Tony. “The Spiderling” just doesn’t have the right sound to it.
45. “It’s an honor to meet you, officially. I sort of met you, I mean, I watched you while you were sleeping.” -Phil Coulson, The Avengers
When Agent Coulson meets Captain America, he is so excited to finally meet his idol! Struggling to keep his cool, Phil rambles on about how he watched Steve sleep before he woke up.
Coulson’s nerves and excitement add up to an adorably awkward encounter, but Marvel fans can understand. Meeting Captain America is sure to leave anyone starstruck!
46. “I thought you were smaller.” -Bucky Barnes, Captain America: The First Avenger
When Steve rescues Bucky, it is the first time the friends see each other since Steve becomes a super soldier. The pair reunites, and Steve says, “I thought you were dead.”
Confused, Bucky simply replies with, “I thought you were smaller.” In the middle of a heartfelt reunion, Bucky still manages to make jokes!
47. “Can’t have a revolution without somebody to overthrow, so you’re welcome, and uh, it’s a tie.” -Grandmaster, Thor: Ragnarok
Grandmaster is an iconic Marvel character. Jeff Goldblum infuses his own personality into the character, giving Marvel fans a quirky and upbeat Elder of the Universe.
Thanks to his inflated ego, Grandmaster is unfazed when he is overthrown. He simply takes credit for his part in the revolution and declares it “a tie.”
48. “His name is Redwing. He’s cute. Go ahead, pet him.” -Sam Wilson, Captain America: Civil War
Sam Wilson loves his drone and combat partner, Redwing. While Redwing is not a living creature, Sam sweetly treats him like a pet.
So, when Sam uses Redwing to help out Black Widow in a fight, he insists that she thank Redwing specifically. She says, “I’m not thanking that thing.”
Like a proud father, Sam corrects her saying, “His name is Redwing. He’s cute. Go ahead, pet him.”
49. “Boom! You looking for this?” -James Rhodes, Avengers: Age Of Ultron
James Rhodes is eager to impress his fellow teammates with War Machine stories. His best story ends with the punchline, “Boom! You looking for this?”
When he tells this story to Tony and Thor, both are unamused, but he later tells it to another group of people and they are all impressed!
50. “This is the fight of our lives, and we’re going to win. Whatever it takes.” -Steve Rogers, Avengers: Endgame
As the Avengers get ready to go back in time and retrieve the infinity stones, Steve Rogers delivers an inspiring speech. Once again proving that he is a great leader, Steve reminds the team of everything they are working for.
Considering how scary the mission is, Steve does a great job of encouraging everyone! To quote Rocket, “He’s pretty good at that!”
51. “You get hurt, hurt ‘em back. You get killed, walk it off.” -Steve Rogers, Avengers: Age of Ultron
Steve Rogers is channeling every gym teacher with this hilarious yet inspiring quote. When giving the team a pep talk in Age of Ultron, he emphasizes that losing is not an option. If you get killed, just walk it off and keep fighting.
52. “Is he, though?” -Thor, Thor: Ragnarok
Bruce Banner thinks that Thor only likes him because of The Hulk’s fighting abilities. Trying to cheer him up, Thor claims that he doesn’t like The Hulk at all, but he’s still more powerful in a fight.
Bruce says, “Banner’s powerful and useful, too” and Thor simply asks, “Is he, though?” This hilarious duo are one of the best part of Thor: Ragnarok because of great banter like this!
53. “I thought that you could sense that with your Peter Tingle” -Aunt May, Spider-Man: Far From Home
Aunt May offers Peter a snack by tossing a banana at him, but he isn’t paying attention and the banana hits him before falling to the floor. She apologizes and explains that she though he could sense things flying toward him with his powers.
However, instead of calling Peter’s powers his “Spidey-Sense” she dubs them his “Peter Tingle” a name that is much more hilarious and silly.
Watching Aunt May throw a banana at everyone’s marvel quote friendly neighborhood Spider-Man is always hilarious!
54. “‘Boh’ is my new superpower. It’s like the anti-Aloha. I was born to say this word.” -M.J., Spider-Man: Far From Home
On the school trip to Europe, MJ discovers that she can say the word “Boh” and people will stop talking to her. Proudly, she basks in her newfound ability to be antisocial and not have to talk to street vendors.
MJ is such a relatable character and fans love her for moments like this!
55. “You’re repeating yourself! You’re repeating yourself!” -Scott Lang, Avengers: Endgame
Upset about their time-travel heist plan going wrong, Scott goes on an angry tangent and repeats himself a few times. Tony calls him out and says, “You’re repeating yourself, you know that?”
In true Scott Lang fashion, Ant-Man fires back simply by saying “You’re repeating yourself! “You’re repeating yourself!”
56. “The price of freedom is high, it always has been. And it’s a price I’m willing to pay. And if I’m the only one, then so be it. But I’m willing to bet I’m not.” -Steve Rogers, Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Steve Rogers has fought bad guys across the whole world for many years, so when he comments that the price of freedom has always been high he is speaking from experience.
When encouraging his team, Captain America always has says great inspirational quotes to motivate everyone, and this quote is no different.
57. “I was already slipping when you happened to punch me in the face. The two events are not related.” -Carol Danvers, Captain Marvel
This is one of the more funny Captain Marvel quotes from the movie. Carol is a very sarcastic character, so when she’s fighting with Yon-Rogg and he knocks her down, her lets her sarcasm and ego shine.
Captain Marvel is full of talented actors like Jude Law, Djimon Hounsou and Annette Bening but Brie Larson really makes Carol Danvers a very lovable character and lets her fun personality shine through.
58. “Then again that’s the hero gig, part of the journey is the end.” -Tony Stark, Avengers: Endgame
After Tony Stark’s final stand against Thanos, his family watches a recording he made in case the unthinkable happened. Robert Downey Jr. plays his final scene as Tony Stark speaking to his family about how much he loves them, and about how nervous he is to time travel.
When talking about possibly dying, Tony cooly remarks “Then again that’s the hero gig, part of the journey is the end.”
59. “Whatever happens tomorrow you must promise me one thing, that you will stay who you are. Not a perfect soldier but a good man.” -Dr. Abraham Erskine, Captain America: The First Avenger
Before Steve Rogers becomes a super soldier Dr. Abraham Erskine explains how the serum works. He tells Steve, “The serum amplifies everything that is inside, so good becomes great, bad becomes worse. This is why you were chosen. Because the strong man who has known power all his life will lose respect for that power, but a weak man knows the value of strength, and knows compassion.”
Erskine knows that physically Steve will be a changed man after the serum, but he wants to remind Steve that he is a good man at heart. Just because they live in an imperfect world doesn’t mean that Steve has to let the power go to his head.
60. “The hardest choices require the strongest wills.” -Thanos, Avengers: Infinity Wars
Thanos tells his plan to use the great power of the infinity stones, explaining how he will use them to eliminate half of all life. He rationalizes his own plan to himself by saying, “The hardest choices require the strongest wills.”
While Thanos is clearly a villain, he is motivated by his genuine belief that he is using his strong will to do good. This is one of the most sinister and memorable quotes from Thanos.
61. “Let me tell you. That kid’s not even here yet and, there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for him.” -Howard Stark, Avengers: Endgame
When Tony goes back in time to retrieve one of the infinity stones, he runs into his father Howard Stark. The two talk about life and fatherhood because Howard is expecting a baby (Tony).
Howard is very nervous to become a father, but also excited and he says “That kid’s not even here yet and, there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for him.” This heartwarming moment in the Marvel universe is so sweet because Tony gets to hear his dad talk about how much he loves him.
All of these time travel scenes were some of the best moments in Endgame!
62. “Don’t do anything I would do, and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. There’s a little gray area in there. That’s where you operate.” -Tony Stark, Spiderman: Homecoming
When Tony Stark first recruits a young and naive Peter Parker, he is a bit unclear on his instructions. In hilarious Tony Stark fashion, he just about contradicts himself by telling Peter, “Don’t do anything I would do, and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
63. “This is your chance. To earn that look in your daughter’s eyes. To become the hero that she already thinks you are. It’s not about saving our world, it’s about saving theirs. ” -Hank Pym, Ant-Man
Hank Pym and Scott Lang may not start off on the right foot, but Hank really pulls on Scott’s heart strings by appealing to him as a father. Scott can relate to Hank’s desire to be there for his daughter.
Hank may not be a huge fan of the way Scott acts, but he knows that Scott has a good heart so he tries to relate to him father-to-father in order to gain his help.
64. “You call me ‘young lady’ again, I’ll shove my foot up somewhere it’s not supposed to be.” -Maria Rambeau, Captain Marvel
Nobody gets to push Maria Rambeau around and she’ll be the first to let you know! After being called young lady one too many times, she stands up for herself and makes her voice known!
65. “I’m not sure you understand the concept of a getaway car.” -Sharon Carter, Captain America: Civil War
When Sharon Carter meets up with Steve Rogers, he arrives in a vintage car that will easily draw anyone’s attention. She points out that his chosen vehicle is probably not the best getaway car, but Steve insists that it is low-profile. This funny exchange further depicts their playful friendship.
67. “I think we must learn from our mistakes and do better. You must not give up hope.” -Karun, Eternals

This amazing quote comes from one of the more underrated Marvel characters, Karun. His sweet observations are encouraging to the Eternals and fans alike.
68. “I beat some guys up. Saved the dog. Some light B and E” -Kate Bishop, Hawkeye

Marvel fans instantly fell in love with Hailee Steinfeld as Kate Bishop, and it’s no wonder why! Steinfeld’s delivery of Kate’s lines is always effortlessly spot-on.
Kate’s relationship with Hawkeye is a pleasure to watch evolve as well. Before the two begin working together, Kate is trying to play off her actions as no big deal. She explains to Hawkeye that she acquired his suit by beating some guys up, saving the dog, and breaking and entering into someone’s house.
69. “Welcome to the Time Variance Authority! I’m Miss Minutes, and it’s my job to catch you up before you stand trial for your crimes! So let’s not waste another minute. Settle in, sharpen your pencils and check this out! -Miss Minutes, Loki
Miss Minutes is an animated clock character who serves as the mascot of the Time Variance Authority. She uses her charming voice and sweet southern accent to calmly explain to variants why they are in the TVA.
In spite of her cheerful design and delivery, the sinister undertones of her message are pretty obvious to Loki.
70. “Sorry, I tend to process traumatic events with dad jokes.” -Scott Lang/Ant-Man, What If…?
In true Scott Lang fashion, he comes to an emergency (even a zombie apocalypse) with dad jokes on hand. This is one of the many reasons why Marvel fans love him!
71. “We got the full clown car. It means whatever the threat is, S.W.O.R.D clearly has no idea what they are dealing with.” -Darcy Lewis, Wandavision

When S.W.O.R.D. calls in Darcy Lewis and other scientific experts to investigate the strange happenings in Westview, she knows just what this means. S.W.O.R.D. would not have called in so many outside experts if the situation was a normal threat.
Darcy becomes instrumental in discovering that the town of Westview is being held captive by Wanda’s powers.
72. “Sacrifice? That would imply I had something to lose.” -Doctor Strange, What If…?

Doctor Strange takes a very dark turn in Marvel’s What If…? When he uses his powers to repeatedly try saving the love of his life, he loses sight of what is right for the world.
This tragic episode is a very grim answer to the question, What If…?
73. “I can’t believe you were D.B. cooper! Come on!” -Mobius, Loki
What is the answer to one of America’s most famous unsolved questions: Who is D.B. Cooper? Loki. The answer is Loki.
D.B. Cooper is the alias of a man who hijacked a plane between Portland and Seattle, WA in 1971. The man jumped from the plane and his fate is unknown. He was never caught and the case remains unsolved.
74. “She was literally one split end from cutting her own bangs.” -Agnes/Agatha Harkness, Wandavision
Agatha’s comment about Wanda being “one split end away from cutting her own bangs” refers to the classic theme of people going crazy and making rash decisions. Anyone who has ever attempted to cut their own bangs without any skills or training will be able to tell you, it is a bad idea.
75. “I made macaroni if you want some.” -Yelena Belova, Hawkeye
Hawkeye fans were very excited to see the return of Yelena Belova, Natasha Romanoff’s hilarious sister with a very dry wit. When we meet Yelena in Hawkeye, however, she is trying to kill Clint Barton.
In spite of her fighting with Clint and Kate, she still charms fans when she waits in Kates apartment and makes macaroni. Yelena explains, “Well I was starving and you took forever, so I wanted to make food.”
76. “You, Vision, are the piece of the mind stone that lives in me, you are a body of wires, and blood, and bone that I created. You are my sadness and my hope. But mostly, you’re my love.” -Wanda Maximoff, Wandavision

Wanda and Vision are one of the most heartwarming, and simultaneously heartbreaking couples in the Marvel universe. They share a connection through the mind stone and this way they are together no matter what.
77. “Such a poser.” -Yelena Belova, Black Widow

In true sisterly fashion, Yelena calls out Natasha for being a poser. Yelena mimics Natasha’s superhero landing pose that Marvel fans have seen countless times!
78. “This is wild. The two of you, same person. I mean it’s a little unnatural. But, wow! Wild.” -He Who Remains, Loki

When Loki and Sylvie finally meet He Who Remains, they are a little taken aback. Even though Loki variants are meeting a great, powerful being, He Who Remains is surprisingly socially relaxed.
The TVA creator knows just about everything there i to know about time and variants, but seeing two Lokis in one place is still a surprise and his reactions is oddly charming.
79. “My mom, dad, Uncle Ben, Mr. Stark. Now Happy. I’ve… I’ve Lost A Lot. But my Aunt May says, used to say, that if we don’t keep smiling when they can’t, then we might as well be gone too.” -Peter Parker/Zombie Hunter Spider-Man,What If…?

Even in Marvel’s What If…? Peter Parker has a heart of gold. He has lost and suffered so much, but he is still willing to keep his head up and inspire others.
Peter Parker is a true hero!
80. “I don’t like bullies. I don’t care where they’re from.” -Steve Rogers, Captain America: The First Avenger
Even before becoming a super soldier, Steve Rogers stands up for what’s right. Rogers reveals to Dr. Abraham Erskine that he doesn’t like bullies, which shows that he is truly brave in spite of being so small.
81. “Ah, she left me. And my mom died too. And my dad got deported. But I got the van!” -Luis, Ant-Man
When Scott gets out of prison, he finally gets to catch up with his old pal Luis. Unfortunately, Luis has had some bad luck recently.
Once of the many reasons that Marvel fans love Luis is because of his unwavering positivity! Even though he has suffered, Luis is still very excited that he got the van!
82. “I have been falling for 30 minutes!” -Loki, Thor: Ragnarok
Thanks to Doctor Strange and his powers, Marvel fans get to enjoy watching an angry Loki yell about falling for thirty minutes.
While this line may not be the most profound Marvel quote of all time, it is most certainly a fan favorite!
83. “Oh, by the way, this is a friend of mine, Tree.” -Thor, Avengers: Infinity War
Even though Groot’s only lines in the Marvel Cinematic Universe are “I am Groot” Thor still introduces Captain America to him by calling him Tree. Groot then greets Steve by saying, “I am Groot.”
84. “I am Steve Rogers.” -Steve Rogers/Captain America, Avengers: Infinity War
Immediately after being introduced to Groot, Steve introduces himself in a similar manner. He points to himself and says, “I am Steve Rogers.”
This exchange is so simple, yet so sweet. Steve is not surprised about meeting a talking tree, but he greets Groot with respect and politeness just like he would anyone else.
85. “You know what? We gotta walk that dog.” – Clint Barton, Hawkeye

Early on in the Hawkeye series, Kate Bishop rescues and takes in a stray dog. A running joke throughout the show is that she and Clint have to walk the dog.
The pair is always running around the city and working on their plans, but every once in a while one of them will remember that they have to walk the dog. Thankfully, they have their LARPing friends to help watch after the dog.
86. “I don’t fly man, that’s your thing.” -Bucky Barnes, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes are one of the best Marvel duos. Fans loved watching their relationship blossom into a friendship in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.
Thanks to funny lines like this, where Bucky pokes fun at Sam and reminding him that he can’t fly, we see their joking relationship and fans fell in love!
87. “You’re the head of security and your password is ‘password?'” -Peter Parker, Spider-man: Far From Home
When Peter has to borrow Happy Hogan’s phone, he learns that the head of security is breaking the number 1 rule of creating a password: don’t make it password!
Hilariously, Happy responds to Peter saying, “I don’t feel good about it either.”
88. “You take care of the suit. I’ll take care of the music.” -Happy Hogan, Spider-man: Far From Home
In another funny exchange between Peter and Happy, Pater is making himself another Spider-man suit. Happy tells Peter that he will take care of the music, and he plays “Back in Black” by ACDC.
Excitedly, Peter hears the song and yells, “I love Led Zepplin!”
89. “Love is a dagger. It’s a weapon to be wielded far away or up close. You can see yourself in it. It’s beautiful until it makes you bleed.” -Loki, Loki

Lokie and Sylvie have a lengthy discussion about love that results in this profound line. Loki explains his feelings about love and how it is a dagger that causes pain.
90. “I’m a regular carbon based employee made entirely of organic matter, much like yourself, Norm.” -Vision, Wandavision

Vision is always charming, but there is nothing funnier than when he tries to act human and relate to the other citizens of WestView.
While talking with his coworker Norm, Vision assures him that he is also “made entirely of organic matter” which is a conversation that all normal humans have with their coworkers.
91. “You break the rules and you become a hero. I do it and I become the enemy. That doesn’t seem fair.” -Wanda Maximoff, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
In a conversation with Dr. Strange, Wanda points out the unfair consequences of using her powers.
92. “Tony, trying to get you to stop has been one of the few failures of my entire life.” – Pepper Potts, Avengers: Endgame
Pepper points out that Tony will do what he wants to, no matter what the cost.
93. “Are you Thor, the God of Hammers?” – Odin, Thor: Ragnarok
In this father/son exchange, Odin is pointing out that Thor is so much more than just his hammer.
94. “I found my daddy with Panther claws in his chest! You ain’t the son of a king. You’re the son of a murderer!” – Killmonger, Black Panther
Killmonger reveals his hatred for the Black Panther.
95. “Hello, Peter.” – Otto Octavius, Spider-Man: No Way Home
Marvel fans love this line because it represents the different Spider-Man universes colliding!
96. “I don’t believe in fairytales about chakras or energy or the power of belief.” – Doctor Strange, Doctor Strange
Doctor Strange is a very serious person, so it is no surprise when he is resistant to learning about the magic of the universe.
97. “Hooked on a Feeling, Blue Swede! That song belongs to me!” – Peter Quill, Guardians of the Galaxy
If there is one thing that Peter Quill takes very seriously, it is his music and favorite songs!
98. “I wish I could believe that you cared. But you’re not even the first mother that abandoned me.” – Natasha Romanoff, Black Widow
Natasha has a lot of difficulties trusting people because both her birth mother and adopted mother abandoned her.
99. “If you think I’m evil, well, just wait till you meet my variants.” – He Who Remains, Loki
The idea of even more evil variants of He Who Remains is extra terrifying, and Loki does not want to meet them!
100. “I bet you’ve built the perfect safe house. And what’s this even made out of? Vibranium?” – Ikaris, Eternals
Since Vibranium is an incredibly strong and valuable material, it would only make sense as a building material.
101. “When he got in shape, he went from dad bod to god bod.” – Korg, Thor: Love and Thunder
Korg narrates Thor’s recent activities and talks about his body transformation.
102. “Just to keep that smile on your face.” – Happy Hogan, Avengers: Endgame
Happy Hogan is the supportive companion that everyone deserves.
103. “I love you in every universe.” – Doctor Strange, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
Doctor Strange confesses that no matter what, he loves Christine.
104. “Piss off, ghost!” – Korg, Thor: Ragnarok
When Loki disappears, just as a ghost might, Korg is quick to act and tries to fight the so-called ghost.
105. “This was my opportunity to get away from Thanos.” – Gamora, Guardians of the Galaxy
Life is not easy when Thanos is your father, so it is no surprise that Gamora is trying to get away from him.
106. “You can’t just steal a guy’s car.” – Yelena Belova, Black Widow
Natasha has a great response to her sister when she says, “So you want me to chase him down and un-steal it?”
107. “I know you got some quip you’re dying to say.” – Mobius, Loki
Mobius and Loki form an unlikely friendship during their time together, so it is oddly sweet when Mobius recognizes Loki’s patterns and gives him space to make a joke.
108. “No amount of money ever bought a second of time.” – Tony Stark, Avengers: Endgame
Considering that Tony Stark has an incredibly large amount of money, he has learned a lot about how much it does not truly matter.
109. “Because I have something worth fighting for.” -Thor, Thor Love and Thunder
Thor reveals that he is confident enough to finally fight for what is important to him.
110. “You’re in a relationship with me. Everything will never be okay.” – Tony Stark, Iron Man 3
Tony Stark’s life is very complicated, so it only makes sense that he reiterates this Pepper.
111. “I think Nick Fury just hijacked our summer vacation.” – Peter Parker, Spider-Man: Far From Home
As a high school student, Peter Parker wants to have a great summer vacation! Unfortunately for him, Nick Fury has other plans.
112. “I get emails from a raccoon, so nothing sounds crazy.”- Natasha Romanoff, Avengers: Endgame
When you stop and think about it, a lot of what the Avengers deal with is very crazy, but they have learned to take everything in stride.
113. “You handle the suit. I’ll handle the music.” – Happy Hogan, Spider-Man: Far From Home
Happy Hogan is always ready to help in any way he can, even by providing his DJ skills.
114. “She was there… because of you. I may have struck the blow, but you… You are the one that killed her.” – Green Goblin, Spider-Man: No Way Home
The Green Goblin is taunting Peter and blaming him for Aunt May’s death.
115. “You can do it. You can do anything. You’re the world’s greatest grandma.” – Cassie, Ant-Man and the Wasp
This sweet line from Cassis is a call-back to when she gave her dad a trophy that reads World’s Greatest Grandma explaining, “It was the only one they had.”
116. “The best part of my life was fake and none of you told me.” – Yelena Belova, Black Widow
Both Natasha and Yelena had very complicated childhoods, so it is understandable that they are hurt.
117. “There’s nothing for you after death except death.” – Rapu, Thor: Love and Thunder
Rapu’s disregard for his followers is what pushes Gorr over the edge.
118. “Why didn’t you guys help fight Thanos? Or any war? Or all the other terrible things throughout history?” – Dane Whitman, Eternals
Dane Whitman has some valid questions for anyone who did not help the Avengers in their fight against Thanos.
119. “I can’t do this. I shouldn’t be here, I shouldn’t have come. This is a bad idea.” – Thor, Avengers: Endgame
Even the God of Thunder doubts himself sometimes!
120. “This is The Void. That’s Alioth. And we’re his lunch. Come on!” – Classic Loki, Loki
When Loki gets to The Void, he is grateful to have other Loki variants there to show him around.
121. “Never family, huh? In my heart, I am simple man. And I think that for a couple deep undercover Russian agents I think we did pretty great as parents, huh?” – Alexei Shostakov, Black Widow
Alexei was not a perfect father, but at the end of the day he did his best and he loves his family.
122. “There’s one more thing we need to complete the plan: that guy’s eye!” – Rocket, Guardians of the Galaxy
Rocket always has a flair for the extra violent and aggressive fights, so this line is just that much more funny.
123. “You cannot beat a river into submission; you have to surrender to its current, and use its power as your own.” – The Ancient One, Doctor Strange
The Ancient One explains how to work with the natural power in the universe.
124. “Uncle Ben said it. The day he died. Maybe she didn’t die for nothing, Peter.” – Peter Parker, Spider-Man: No Way Home
With all three Peter Parkers in the same universe, they are able to bond and give each other comfort and support.
125. “Hey, let’s do ‘Get Help.'” – Thor, Thor: Ragnarok
Marvel fans love Thor and Loki’s “Get help plan” where they pretend that Loki is injured.
126. “I cannot speak for past kings. But an enemy sits on the throne right now. We both know the power of vibranium. If Killmonger gains control of it, who do you think he will come for next?” – T’Challa, Black Panther
T’Challa reveals that he is his own king and will do his best to protect his people.
127. “Make a move, Reindeer Games” – Tony Stark/Iron Man, The Avengers
Tony is known for his great one-liners, and this exchange between him and Loki is no exception!
128. “This drink; I like it. Another!” – Thor, Thor
In the first Thor movie, Thor is having his first experiences on Earth. While in a diner with Jane, Darcy, and Dr. Erik Selvig he discovers that he really likes coffee. T horimmediately demands another cup and smashes his mug on the floor.
129. “So many stairs!” – Hulk, Avengers: Endgame
When The Hulk does not fit in the elevator with the other Avengers, he is forced to take the stairs. Just like anyone else, he is annoyed by having to take so many stairs.
130. “I’m not kissing you.” – Col. Chester Phillips, Captain America: The First Avenger
Before Steve goes to defeat Red Skull, Peggy gives him a kiss. A shocked Steve looks at Col Phillips and his response is hilarious!
131. “Absolutely ridiculous. I don’t paint.” – Tony Stark, Iron Man
As usual, Tony has a hilarious comeback. When a reporter asks, “You’ve been called the Da Vinci of our time. What do you say to that?” Tony simply says, “Absolutely ridiculous. I don’t paint.”
132. “I’m not overly fond of what follows.” – Loki, The Avengers
When Captain America and Iron Man have Loki captured, they are flying through a storm and Loki flinches at the lightning. Steve asks, “What’s the matter, scared of a little lightning?”
Loki’s response is a comment about his brother Thor.
133. “Thank God… I’m so sorry.” – Dr. Erik Selvig, Thor: The Dark World
When Dr. Selvig asks Thor if Loki is coming, Thor lets him know that Loki is dead. Dr. Selvig cannot help but give an honest reaction.
134. “Don’t say it! Don’t you say it!” – Sam Wilson, Captain America: The Winter Soldier
When Sam and Steve Rogers are running, Steve always passes Sam and says, “On your left.” Sam grows increasingly frustrated, and begs Steve not to say it.
135. “I got you first!” – Tony Stark, Iron Man 3
After Pepper and Tony both save each other, she says “I got you.” Tony, who does not want to be outdone adds, “I got you first!”
136. “Well, all the guys from my barbershop quartet are dead, so no, not really.” – Steve Rogers, Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Since Steve is a man from the past living in the modern age, he is still adjusting to life in the 21st century. When Natasha asks Steve if he did anything fun over the weekend, he has this sad response.
137. “If you try to escape, or play any sort of games with me, I will taze you and watch ‘Supernanny’ while you drool into the carpet.” – Agent Coulson, Iron Man 2
Everyone loves Agent Coulson, and this is one of the many reasons why. He takes his job very seriously.
138. “We’re a long way from Budapest.” – Clint Barton, Avengers: Endgame
When Clint and Natasha are flying in space, they look at each other and Clint comments on how far their friendship has come. From meeting in Budapest to space!
139. “I don’t know if you’ve been in a fight before, but there’s not usually this much talking.” – Sam Wilson, Captain America: Civil War
During the big fight in Captain America: Civil War, Sam Wilson and Peter Parker spend a lot of time fighting each other. In true Peter fashion, our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man is very talkative while he fights. Sam Wilson calls out Peter for being so chatty!
140. “Excuse me, did WE come to YOUR planet and blow stuff up?” – Nick Fury, The Avengers
When Thor makes a comment saying, “I thought humans were more evolved than this” Nick get understandably defensive.
141. “This is so unlike you, brother. So… clandestine. Are you sure you wouldn’t rather punch your way out?” – Loki, Thor: The Dark World
Brothers know how to push each others’ buttons, and Thor and Loki are no different. Loki taunts Thor by making comments about how he is acting unusually calm. Thor fires back with, “If you keep talking, I might.”
142. “Nothing goes over my head…! My reflexes are too fast, I would catch it.” – Drax, Guardians of the Galaxy
After Peter compares Drax to a thesaurus, he gets offended. Rocket Raccoon then explains, “His people are completely literal. Metaphors go over his head.” Drax has a hilarious response!
143. “Actually, he’s the boss. I just pay for everything and design everything, make everyone look cooler.” – Tony Stark, Avengers: Age of Ultron
Tony points to Captain America and says that Steve is the leader, explaining that all Tony does is finance everything.
144. “I just have one question… Who are you, who is she, what the hell is going on here, and can I go back to jail now?” – Scott Lang, Ant-Man
When Scott first meets Dr. Hank Pym, he is very overwhelmed, so it is no surprise that he has a lot of questions.
145. “Do you lay eggs?” – Ned, Spider-Man: Homecoming
When Ned first finds out that Peter is Spider-Man he has a lot of spider-related questions and they create a hilarious exchange.
146. “Try me, Beyoncé. Come on! You’ve heard of her, she’s a huge star, right? Do you ever laugh? Come on, just give me the book.” – Dr. Strange, Dr. Strange
Dr. Strange does his best to get Wong to crack a smile.
147. “If you say one more word, I’ll feed you to my children! I’m kidding. We’re vegetarians.” – M’Baku, Black Panther
When scolding Ross, M’Baku makes a joke about feeding them to their children!
148. “I’m not gonna answer to ‘Star-Munch.'” – Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
Peter Quill is very serious about being called Star-Lord, so when Rocket calls him Star-Munch he gets offended.
149. “Some creepy old man cut it off.” – Thor, Thor: Ragnarok
For Stan Lee’s cameo in Thor: Ragnarok, he plays a character who cuts off Thor’s long hair. Then, when Bruce Banner asks Thor what happened to his hair, Thor has to explain.
150. “A Hunk of Hulk of Burning Fudge is our favorite.” – Wong, Avengers: Infinity War
The Avengers are talking about the different ice cream flavors that Ben & Jerry’s has made in their honor. Wong prefers A Hunk of Hulk of Burning Fudge to Stark Raving Hazelnuts.
151. “Honestly, at this exact second, I thought you were a Build-a-Bear.” – Tony Stark, Avengers: Endgame
Rocket Raccoon surprises a lot of people when they meet him, and Tony’s reaction is another hilarious example.
152. “Language!” – Captain America, Avengers: Age of Ultron
Marvel fans love jokes about how Steve Rogers is from the 1940s, so when Tony swears Steve fires back with “Language.”
153. “I am going to die surrounded by the biggest idiots in the galaxy.” – Gamora, Guardians of the Galaxy
The Guardians of the Galaxy are a great group of heroes, but they are also wild characters.
154. “Secure the engine room, then find me a date.” – Steve Rogers, Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Natasha keeps pointing out women that she thinks Steve should talk to. He reminds her to focus on their mission, so Natasha replies, “I’m multitasking.”
155. “Phil? Uh, his first name is ‘Agent.'” – Tony Stark, The Avengers
When Tony Stark first learns that Agent Coulson’s first name is Phil, he makes a funny joke!
156. “He’s right. That is America’s ass.” – Steve Rogers, Avengers: Endgame
When the Avengers head back in time to collect the Infinity Stores, Steve gets a look at himself from the past. More importantly, he gets a look at his own butt and agrees with Scott Lang’s observation that it is “America’s ass.”
157. “The world has changed and none of us can go back. All we can do is our best, and sometimes the best that we can do is to start over.” – Peggy Carter, Captain America: The First Avenger
Peggy knows how to adapt and move on when times get tough. She is helping others to do the same.
158. “I had my eyes opened. I came to realize that I had more to offer this world than just making things that blow up.” – Tony Stark, Iron Man
Tony finally realizes that he is able to do so much good in the world with all of his assets. As Iron Man, he is able to help a lot of people!
159. “I’m still here. No super-serum. No blonde hair or blue eyes. The only power I have is that I believe we can do better.” – Sam Wilson, The Falcon and The Winter Soldier
When Sam fully accepts his new role as Captain America, he is proud to carry the shield. However, he also knows that he is not the standard example of a superhero.
160. “I make grave mistakes all the time. Everything seems to work out.” -Thor, Thor: Ragnarok
This quote is another funny, yet encouraging line. Even Thor’s worst mistakes often turn out fine in the end.
161. “I would rather be a good man than a great king.” – Thor, Thor: The Dark World
Thor has learned a valuable lesson about what it takes to be a good person. More importantly, he has also learned that these things may not coincide with his original thoughts on being a king.
162. “We never lose our demons, Mordo. we only learn to live above them.” – The Ancient One, Doctor Strange
The Ancient One reminds us all that we can always grow and learn from our past. They remind us that it is up to us to make the choice to move past our previous mistakes or traumas. No matter our past, there is always the chance to improve our lives and move forward.
163. “Nothing goes over my head! My reflexes are too fast, I would catch it!”- Drax, Guardians of the Galaxy
Marvel fans can always rely on Drax for a funny quote. He perfectly plays into Rocket’s hand when he makes a comment about how Drax’s kind does not understand sarcasm.
164. “Just because something works, doesn’t mean it can’t be improved.” – Shuri, Black Panther
Shuri may be young, but she is wise beyond her years. She has a great mind for science and is always looking for a way to improve and make things better.
165. “Even when you had two eyes, you’d only see half the picture.” – Odin, Thor: Ragnarok
Odin is a great dad and he is always willing to offer Thor some insight. In this quote, he is telling Thor to keep his mind open and look at the bigger picture of life.
166. “You never know. You hope for the best and make do with what you get.” – Nick Fury, Avengers: Age of Ultron
Nick Fury gives great advice for the Avengers and for life. Even if things are not going your way, it is always best to keep your head up and do the best that you can.
167. “Every time I pick this thing up, I know there are millions of people out there who are going to hate me for it.” – Sam Wilson, The Falcon and The Winter Soldier
Sam Wilson talks about the struggle of carrying on the Captain America legacy without Steve Rogers.
168. “He will be the first in a new breed of super-soldiers. And they will personally escort Adolf Hitler to the gates of Hell.” – Colonel Phillips, Captain America: The First Avenger
Colonel Phillips is determined to help America win the war in any way possible. He is proud to have Captain America as a weapon.
169. “Everywhere I go, I see his face.” – Peter Parker, Spider-Man: Far From Home
Peter Parker suffers a huge loss with the death of Tony Stark. As he tried to move on and be Spider-Man, he cannot help but be reminded of his mentor frequently.
170. “You saw what those stones did to Thanos; they almost killed him. None of you would survive.” – Bruce Banner, Avengers: Endgame
Bruce shows his love and dedication for the Avengers team when he volunteers to wield the infinity stones.
171. “You both have killed so many people. I couldn’t be more proud of you.” – Alexei Shostakov, Black Widow
Even though he is not their actual father, Alexei is very proud of his girls!
172. “It’s an imperfect world, but it’s the only one we’ve got.” – Tony Stark, Iron Man
Tony Stark reminds audiences that while the world is not perfect, we only have one world so we should make the best of it.
172. “Compromise where you can. Where you can’t, don’t. Even if everyone is telling you that something wrong is something right. Even if the whole world is telling you to move, it is your duty to plant yourself like a tree, look them in the eye, and say, ‘No, you move.'” – Sharon Carter, Captain America: Civil War
In Sharon Carter’s eulogy for Peggy Carter, she quotes Christopher Markus. Sharon reveals that this quote is something Peggy believed in and it is a great line for Steve to hear at the funeral.
173. “I’m not crazy, Pepper. I just finally know what I have to do. And I know in my heart that it’s right.” – Tony Stark, Iron Man
Tony reveals to Pepper that he finally understands what he is meant to do with his life.
174. “I know you’re doing what you believe in, and that’s all any of us can do. That’s all any of us should… So no matter what, I promise you, if you need us – if you need me – I’ll be there.” – Steve Rogers, Captain America: Civil War
Steve sends a message to Tony, reassuring him that even though they are on opposite sides of a conflict, he is still there for his friend.
175. “Sir, I’m gonna have to ask you to exit the donut.” – Nick Fury, Iron Man 2
When Nick Fury finds Tony, he is lounging in the large donut sign of a bakery. Unfortunately for Tony, Nick needs him to leave.
176. “You saw what those stones did to Thanos; they almost killed him. None of you could survive.” – Bruce Banner, Avengers: Endgame
When the Avengers have the Infinity Gauntlet, Bruce elects himself to be the one to wield it. He justifies this choice saying, “The radiation’s mostly gamma. It’s like I was made for this.”
177. “Excuse me, did we come to your planet and blow stuff up?” – Nick Fury, The Avengers
Nick asks this question to Thor, who most certainly came to Earth and blew stuff up.
What are your favorite MCU quotes? Comment below!
For more great scoop check out these articles:
What about Loki telling Thanos “We have a Hulk” …. such a great callback line!!
“Don’t make me come down there you punk”
My fav is when Cap says “If you get hurt, hurt them back. If you die… Walk is off”