Transform Your Home: New Ideas For Old Rooms

We all crave more space for ourselves, whether we are moving to a rented property with numerous other people, or we’ve just bought a brand new home or even inherited a bit of a fixer upper, the desire for more space can be a bit of a challenge. And if you’ve only got one room to make your own, that is one more room than most people. When it comes to allocating a room for a specific purpose, each room has its own charms. While a lot of people have formal dining rooms, they seldom get used. There is a lot of wasted space in many homes so you may want to start thinking about using that wasted space for a new purpose.

The Basement Becomes An Entertainment Room

A lot of people use their basement as a glorified junk room, and while so many people throw their odds and ends downstairs and forget about them for months on end, you could take the leap and turn the basement into a place for socializing. The basement is great for this because if you have moved into a house with other people, this room can be the party room, and, as a result, noise is restricted to the basement, so the people that go upstairs to sleep aren’t likely to hear the shenanigans going on in the basement. But before you get to this point you will want to make sure the basement is safe and secure, a lot of basements are prone to water seepage due to the drainage setup of the home. Waterproofing your basement is a priority in this respect, especially if you plan on laying down carpets and other valuables that can get damaged. Waterproofing companies like on can waterproof a basement to ensure that your entertainment space doesn’t get flooded every winter. The great thing about a basement is the broad range of space, so it lends itself well to having luxury items like a table tennis table, pool table, or just by having a large entertainment center with a full sound system so you can enjoy your movie collection the way it was meant to be.

Turn The Dining Room Into An Office

This happens a lot now with homeowners wanting to do away with the large dining room, as so many people work at home and are on the hunt for a space that they can do work away from the hubbub of the rest of the house. If you have family or children and need to work from home part of the time while also trying to keep on top of issues like housework, your own office can be a productive haven from the rest of the house. In addition to this, the amount of life admin people need to keep on top of now, from household bills to tax returns, requires a dedicated space with a neat little filing system. While most people now use laptops and turn the kitchen table into a makeshift office, this doesn’t lend itself well to someone who’s trying to get a lot of work done in a short space of time, and this is why most houses could benefit from a dedicated office. You can have a look at for inspiration on how to make the most of a dedicated office space. But the best way to set up a dining room to turn it into an office is to make sure that you have well-arranged desks, preferably one that slots nicely into a corner, this minimizes distraction, and you can focus on your tasks without needing to stare at piles of paperwork all around you. You also need to make sure you have adequate lighting, so in addition to your overhead light, you may want to think about at a desk lamp. If you then make one of the corners a place for paperwork, where you can set up a filing cabinet, this leaves two other corners for you to do as you wish, perhaps have a printer in one of those corners and have a bookshelf in the other corner for easy references.

A Small Bedroom Becomes A Closet

A lot of houses have that one extra room that is barely usable as anything and definitely isn’t a room for someone to live in than rather inflict extreme discomfort on a potential house guest, why don’t you turn this room into a suitable storage facility for all of your extra clothes? And if this small room is next to your master bedroom, knock the wall down between the two and you’ve got a massive walk-in wardrobe at the very end of your room. Not only do you not need to think about cramming all of your clothes into a small closet space, which will leave all of your beautiful clothes crumpled, but you can build a huge closet running the width of your newly refurbished master bedroom, making all your clothes easy to see, and easier to maintain. Or if you are one of the lucky people that already has a walk-in wardrobe or space for your clothes, turn this extra room into an en suite bathroom for your master bedroom. Granted, this can cost a bit more money, but if that small room is already next to a bathroom, the plumbing already exists there, making it easier to install a toilet and sink, or a bath if you don’t have the luxury of one at the moment.

Turning old, practically unusable rooms into a space for you is achievable. Everyone has unlimited ideas for old rooms, but practicalities can get in the way on occasion. However, with the need for a space for relaxation or entertainment, or simply a space for you to do some life admin, it’s much harder to achieve now because houses are much more expensive than they used to be, as well as being harder to buy. So if you are one of the lucky ones who are able to purchase a house with a seemingly unusable space, be sure to make the most of it!


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