Verizon Wireless #VZWTIMESHIFT Party

A couple of weeks ago I was in Chicago and had the chance to check out the Verizon Wireless Time Shift party.  I had so much and it was defenilty one of the best parties I have attended.  Here are a few pictures from the party that I captured with my Samsung Galaxy Camera.

Verizon went all out of this party and my sister and I loved every minute of it.  The food, drinks and entertainment were great.



The band was so much fun! I just could not get over how entertaining they were.  They not only played great music, but they also provided the audience with a great evening of fun. 🙂


My lovely sister, Amy was able to attend the party with me.

The following picture is not from the camera, but it is one that Verizon took on their new blackberry and emailed to me.  It was too fun not to share. 🙂



Disclosure: I am participating in the Verizon Style Voices program and have been provided with a wireless device and six months of service in exchange for my honest opinions about the product.

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