10 Best Quotes from Metal Lords
“I kind of look like Jason Newsted from Metallica, the bass player.”
“Are we talking gayness or heavy metal, or virginity?”
“Maybe Hunter will change his mind about her when I tell him how much she shreds.”
"Your first amendment rights as a minor are unclear, but I agree it would be wrong to exclude you.”
-Dean Swanson
“You know what? let them have their fads. Fads come and go. But not us. We’re forever.”
“Yeah, that was my fault. I haven’t taken my meds for like a week.”
“Yeah, like the school mascot.”
“Take off the costume, Krusty The Clown!”
-Dr. Sylvester
“We’re going to crush this shit.”
“Well, at least I didn’t get arrested, so progress?”
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