The Difference Between Indoor And Outdoor Pickleballs

Pickleball is a paddle sport that combines elements of badminton, tennis, and table tennis.

Historically, pickleball was an indoor game played on either a wooden floor or tile.

Eventually, the sport moved outdoors, and outdoor pickleball balls and courts were built specifically for the usage of this new style of play.

Pickleball is now one of the most popular games in the United States, with an estimated 2.8 million pickleball players nationwide.

Outdoor pickleball is typically played on a hard surface such as concrete or asphalt.

Outdoor pickleballs have harder plastic with common brands such as Dura Fast, Onix Pure, and Onix Fuse G2.

In contrast, indoor pickleball is played on a wooden floor or tile, as these indoor surfaces provide the most bounce and roll for the ball.

Many players find that the easiest way to start the sport of pickleball is to use plastic balls such as Onix Fuse Indoor Balls!

Both indoor and outdoor pickleballs have specific requirements regarding the weight; the official USAPA rules state that they must also weigh the same, 1.5 ounces or less.

Choosing the right ball for your game is essential to optimize your performance and have more fun. Hard balls are best for the outside, and softer balls are ideal for the inside.