Andrew Garfield stars as Jonathan Larson, the man behind RENT – one of the most iconic musicals.

The cast:

Andrew Garfield

Alexandra Shipp

Robin de Jesús

Vanessa Hudgens

Joshua Henry

The movie is set during a single week in 1990. Larson has been working on the same musical for over eight years, with little to show for it.

Originally conceived as a one-man show, Larson wrote it as a way to come to terms with his rejections over the years.


Since his start, though, he has been in a never-ending search for the right role. As Jonathan Larson, he has finally found it.


Though it is hard to take your eyes off of Garfield, he is surrounded by other actors putting in solid work and they should not go unnoticed.

Image Credit: Crown Media

Minor flaws aside, tick, tick… BOOM! is a joyous watch from beginning to end!

Image Credit: Crown Media

The film is so full of life that it is impossible to leave it without a smile on your face.

It’s a special feeling to have a film connect with you so dearly.