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What Is Brazilian Laser Hair Removal And What To Expect

Brazilian laser hair removal is a permanent body hair treatment that helps people get rid of their unwanted body hair. The client lies on a table as the laser technician moves the laser over the surface of the skin, focusing on each follicle for a few seconds at a time. The technician typically completes each body part in under ten minutes.

Brazilian laser hair removal is a popular hair removal option because it is an effective way to eliminate hair growth, and is the best way for people who have dark hair and light skin because it can eliminate unwanted hair.

While many people use alternate methods to remove hair, such as prevent shaving, waxing, and tweezing, the hair typically grows back quicker and darker, and at the least convenient times.

While these temporary solutions may be ideal for some, getting a brazilian laser hair removal treatment can temporarily lessen the appearance of hair. It destroys the follicles so they cannot produce any more hairs.

More specifically, it targets the hair bulb, which is where hair follicles are allowed to grow. Over time, clients will notice a significant reduction in their body hair growth. This procedure helps to slow down the development of new follicles.

Brazilian Treatment

There are often side effects with most kinds of laser treatment options. Such as redness, swelling, and bruising that usually disappear within twenty-four hours after the procedure. This treatment also requires at least six sessions depending on how thick or dark the client’s hair is.

Brazilian laser hair removal works by targeting the melanin in your clients’ hair and skin.

This treatment can be a successful alternative to other hair removal methods. It helps slow down hair growth over time to create a flawless look. It can also prevent some of the annoyances that come with those options. Such as razor burn, ingrown hairs, or having hair quickly returning.

Although this method does not lead to permanent hair removal or permanent hair loss, it can lead to permanent hair reduction in regard to their overall amount of body hair. There are two types of lasers. Carbon dioxide and ruby – and Brazilian laser hair removal can use either one or both. 

Brazilian laser hair removal cost depends on where you go and how much you want to be done. This can vary from $100 to $300 per treatment.

How Brazilian Laser Hair Removal Works

Carbon dioxide lasers work by emitting wavelengths of light energy to remove hair from its roots. The heat generated by these wavelengths damages the melanin in your body’s pigment cells. Also known as the units in your body that cause everyone to have different skin colors. This stops them from producing hair at the surface level of your skin.

While carbon dioxide lasers are effective in removing body hair, they may not be the best option for everyone.

These types of lasers can cause scarring or hypo-pigmentation (less color) in persons who have a darker complexion. This is why it’s essential to get brazilian hair removal from an experienced technician.

For those with fair skin and dark complexions, ruby lasers are one of the more popular styles. They don’t emit wavelengths that interact with melanin.

How Long Does Brazilian Laser Hair Removal Procedure Last?

The whole process is relatively short. You can expect to take approximately five minutes for your first carboxytherapy or laser hair removal treatment.

Your technician might have you wait a few minutes before going back into the room. It takes that long for the targeted area of the body to cool down. Especially if it’s a more sensitive part of the body, such as your private areas.

Each subsequent laser hair removal session should be much faster based on how many hairs have been treated and how much hair has been successfully eliminated from your body permanently.

What You Should Expect When Getting Brazilian Laser Hair Removal

Before receiving your first treatment, you’ll have a consultation with a laser hair removal technician to create a treatment plan based on your personal preference.

Generally speaking, most technicians use both types of lasers during each session to give clients their desired results relatively quickly.

The entire appointment usually lasts anywhere between 15 to 45 minutes, depending on how many areas you’re having treated, as well as what part of the body you’re having treated. Some people do Brazilian laser hair removal in their lunch hour and are fine to return to work after 15 or 20 minutes.

Your technician may recommend treating your arms, underarms, back of the neck, bikini line, stomach (belly button down), panty line, shoulders (back up to the neck), and buttocks with one treatment session.

For those that are uncomfortable with stripping completely, you might be offered a landing strip or underwear covers to cover your pubic region. You may also choose to wear bikini bottoms if you’re getting the surrounding areas treated.

On the other hand, he or she might suggest performing two sessions if you want to treat both arms, both underarms, intimate area, and your back at one time. If you’d like all three areas done in one sitting, your technician will likely recommend three sessions since the lower regions tend to be more sensitive than others.

Will It Hurt?

In terms of pain, Brazilian laser hair removal is often compared to popping a blister – which doesn’t sound so bad.

However, if the therapist is zapping one specific follicle at a time as opposed to several in a row. It will feel more uncomfortable because each pulse only lasts a split second.

It’s also important that you tell your technician if you feel any discomfort so he or she can adjust the laser’s power levels. For those that opt for either bikini line laser hair removal or pubic hair removal, there is an increased risk of sensitivity. 

After a brazilian laser hair removal take some prescribed medicine if needed.

If You Think You’re a Good Candidate for Brazilian Laser Hair Removal

You’re probably a good candidate if you have dark coarse body hair and pale skin. And keep in mind that what matters more than your skin color is how much melanin lies at the base of each strand of hair.

If this is something you still want to read about, here’s a brief summary of who shouldn’t have brazilian treatments: those with any type of skin discoloration or sensitivity to light, those who tan easily without burning and those whose natural color is gray or blonde (the lasers aren’t as effective on blondes).

If You’re Not Sure Which Areas to Get Treated

In general, the farther away from the heart your treatment area lies, the less effective the session will be. Assuming you want a completely hairless back, for example, your technician will only need to run his or her device over your shoulders and lower neck since those areas are fairly close to the heart.

Some popular areas people choose to get treated include the legs, the full bikini area, the brazilian area, and the perianal areas. Many people prefer to get a bikini laser hair removal treatment. It’s a difficult area to target on your own.

Of course, some people will opt to get a full Brazilian laser hair removal, which targets hair all over the body. On the other hand, if you have dark coarse hair on your feet.

Whether it’s on both of them or just one – there’s a higher chance that your treatment could leave some discoloration behind even after multiple sessions since they’re so far from the heart.

Tips for Healing Your Skin After Brazilian Laser Hair Removal

As with any type of laser procedure, there are some potential risks that come with it, and you won’t immediately have hairless or smooth skin. You will need to give yourself time between appointments in order to let the skin heal properly.

Additionally, you might experience mild skin irritation during a bikini treatment. For the best results, avoid having a morning’s shave. As this can defeat the purpose of getting a treatment, and can damage your skin. If you do experience any type of irritation, you can use aloe vera or ice packs to aid in the healing process. Wait a couple days to wear a bathing suit.

In general, most technicians suggest waiting four weeks before having another session. It is recommended that those who get a bikini hair removal treatment return after six weeks.

And if you get Brazilian laser hair treatment on your underarms, it’s best to wait at least eight weeks before going back. This is because the skin here tends to be thin and pliable. Which makes it more susceptible to scarring or discoloration.

When You Should Expect Results from Brazilian Laser Hair Removal

The good news is that you should begin seeing positive results after just one laser session. However, keep in mind that your body needs time to halt the hair growth cycle at the surface level of your skin completely. There will still be a little hair during the beginning phases.

Overall, the average person receives six to 12 sessions for a totally smooth finish without any additional treatments . And if you opt for an intense pulse light device instead of lasers, there’s a good chance that all it would take is just three to five sessions spanning six weeks.

What To Expect During Recovery After Brazilian Laser Hair Removal

Your technician may recommend applying ice to the treated areas after treatment. It isn’t required unless you’re experiencing any discomfort.

The upper lip region, despite being a small area, is one of the more sensitive areas after getting a treatment. The pubic area (including the sides of the labia) is also another body part that many people experience discomfort with the following treatment.

As for what not to do during recovery, refrain from tanning for three to four weeks after brazilian laser hair removal. Sun exposure can cause discoloration of your skin and make it more difficult for professionals to determine where the hair is growing in the future.

If you see any redness or bumps on the treated area, there’s no need to worry- that’s perfectly normal.

As far as Brazilian laser hair removal side effects are concerned, most clients experience redness on their skin’s surface immediately after treatment. Which typically takes less than 30 minutes. You might also notice a scab on your skin, although this is pretty rare.

Waxing Before Getting Brazilian Laser Hair Removal

You’re probably wondering whether or not it’s okay to get a brazilian wax before receiving laser hair removal treatment.

Technically speaking, it doesn’t matter as long as you do some research first and make sure that your technician knows what he or she is doing.

In fact, be sure to ask about any products your spa uses before buying them yourself since there are certain ingredients you want to avoid at all costs. If you happen to have unwanted facial hair, for instance, the last thing you want is for your wax to contain alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) or beta hydroxy acid (BHA).

These two ingredients can cause your skin to become dry and flaky, which can make your hair grow back thicker.

When Will Brazilian Laser Hair Removal Work for You?

Give yourself at least a few months before deciding that Brazilian laser hair removal failed. As stated earlier, your body needs time to stop producing new hairs after treatment, which can sometimes take several months.

And if you’re still seeing regrowth, you might want to consider talking with your technician about combining other types of treatments with lasers.

Although this isn’t foolproof, research suggests that adding on certain creams or light devices may improve results significantly over time.

What If Brazilian Laser Hair Removal Doesn’t Work for You?

Laser hair removal work is a great way to reduce hair growth, and is recommended by many medical professionals. Although it doesn’t lead to permanent hair removal, the effects are still very prominent.

The safety profile of the vast majority of procedures is excellent, especially when compared to electrolysis and waxing. And keep in mind, for those with darker hair color, it will take more time to fully see optimal results.

However, you may want to consider laser treatments if you have a skin type or skin tone that tends to be more sensitive. Lasers are better suited for these types of skin.

In the event that lasers don’t work, however, electrolysis or waxing could be worth looking into. Especially because they are more compatible with sensitive skin types.

At-home remedies like those mentioned above would likely take longer to show results. But may also provide significant results as well.

As always, talk with your doctor about what’s best for you and whether Brazilian laser hair removal is right option for you! Most places offer a free consultation as well for your first session with a friendly staff.

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