
Why YOU Should Attend A Blog Conference + Win 2 Go Blog Social Chicago Tickets

It was about five years ago that I attended my first blogging conference.  It was in Orlando, FL and I found it advertised online while I was on vacation with my family.  We were visiting the Sanibel beaches so it was a drive to Orlando, but somehow I convinced my mom to go with me.  I had been blogging for a couple of years at the time, but really hadn’t taken it very seriously.  I knew there were people making money off their blog, doing TV segments and getting some great exposure, but I had NO idea how they were doing it.  Going to this blog conference, completely changed it.

At my first blog conference.

After our two hour or so drive, we had arrived in Orlando.  I was not prepared and my mom was simply there because I didn’t want to go alone.  I actually did a write up of some of the tips I took away.  You can check it out over here.

Attending that conference completely changed my look out on blogging.  Yes, I still loved being able to share my ideas and stories with my followers, but I realized that I could work with some of my favorite brands.  I even learned that I could actually get paid for blogging.  I heard from speakers who were full time bloggers and their stories were simply inspiring.  If I never would have attended this conference, I never would have been as motivated about blogging as I am today.  I left that conference with so many ideas going on in my head. Some of them I have achieved and some are still lingering to happen.


Since my first blog conference, I have attended several other ones and am currently approaching year three of The Go Blog Social blog conference that I have co-founded.  

Whether you choose to attend Go Blog Social (which I hope you do 🙂 ) or another conference, I want to express to you the importance of attending a blog conference if you are a blogger.  Yes, I love my mom and am so thankful I had her to attend my first conference with, but she doesn’t understand my blogging life.  The kinds of relationship you make at blog conferences are irreplaceable.  

The experience I had at my first conference and the ones following are what lead me to co-create Go Blog Social.  We created it with the idea of the blogger in mind.  We asked ourselves what would we want to learn and leave with.  I want to encourage each and everyone of you to try your best to attend one of our events. Trust me, you won’t regret it.


The pop-up conference we hosted in Chicago was year was more than we could have asked for. The intimate environment, inspiring speakers, like-minded brand partners and good vibes from our attendees made the experience. We knew that we had to get back to this incredible city! So, we are.

Mark your calendar for Saturday, October 31. To help you attend a blog conference I am running a short giveaway for 2 Go Blog Social Chicago tickets. ($300 value).

Hey, maybe you’ll win and bring your mom, too. 😉  Enter the form below for your chance to win.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Not feeling lucky? No worries, I’m still thankful you read this post so here is a deal for you! Use code “FRIENDS” to score $50 off your ticket purchase.  Head here to get your ticket.  I can’t wait to spend Halloween day with you!

*Prize must be used for Chicago conference, October 31, 2015. Entries must be received by October 14, 2015.

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  1. I have been reading many blogs for several years now and have benefitted from such great information and advice. I have wanted to start my own blog in the last six months and my son even said he would help me get started. But, I seem to have found every excuse. All my excuses boil down to needing to learn more about how it all works. I am that kind of person, I want to know as much as I can before I get started although I understand I will always learn so much along the way. Go Blog Social, located in my own city, would be a great experience to meet so many bloggers and learn from the pros! I hope you pick me…I am ready to take the next step!!

  2. Although I blog currently on over 60 different niches, I love going to conferences and learn at each one, plus make new friends.

  3. This would be so amazing to win a ticket to this event! I am dying to go but after paying for my boys sports, I’m strapped! LOL! I hope I win!

  4. I’d love to attend the Go Blog Social event as a Midwest blogger because I am also new to the scene as you were just a few years ago. I will be graduating college in May and have been on the job hunt grind, but would be the most happy if I could make blogging a much larger and successful part of my future career. I hope to go to the Go Blog Social event as a first timer to learn a lot and get that extra motivation!

  5. I Love that attending the conference made you more motivated to write. I have been seriously unmotivated lately with the blog I started and want to win so I can find an easier way to get writing.

  6. I am a new blogger who is trying to learn everything possible that relates to making my blog/business more effective and interesting for readers. I feel like a sponge each time I listen to bloggers talk about their efforts. This would be a great opportunity for me to hear content that is all relative to my goals. Thank you!

  7. This is so so awesome Sarah!! I remember sitting and sharing a table with you and your wonderful mom at SheCon! We talked a lot and it is so amazing to see all you’ve accomplished since then. I’m really considering coming to your conference in Chicago because it’s so close!! Also because each conference is an opportunity to meet someone new and learn something too! I loved that I got to know you and please don’t forget me when you’re famous!! <3

  8. I would love to connect with other creatives and learn skills that will help drive my blog into the future! Thank you for the opportunity 🙂

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  10. It’s great idea to have all bloggers, experts and beginners right at one place. I had been working with my 2 blogs which are really doing better for my earning and its all because of participating in such type of webinars and conferences.

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