Why You Should Slow Down On The Coffee

Ah, coffee. The morning juice that boosts you and your mood for the rest of the day. Those who love it, love it fiercely and enjoy every single thing about it. Those who don’t, well, they’re tea or water people, and they don’t often understand the beauty of that first sip of coffee in the morning. When we drink coffee, we don’t just do it for the taste. We do it for the boost and the zap of energy in starting the day. You think clearer and you move faster, and you talk quicker to go along with it. 

The thing is, it’s not necessarily the best thing for you. The dentist will agree with that, as coffee can stain the teeth and cause long term damage to the enamel. Coffee may be your morning crutch, but the time may be now to give it up and not just for the sake of your teeth. If you find that you’re throwing down cups of coffee from the moment you wake up until you go to bed, then slowing down could be the best option. Below, we’ve got all the reasons that you need to quit coffee today.

  1. Your sleep. Have you had any trouble sleeping lately? It’s likely linked to the coffee you’re drinking down if so! Caffeine is a stimulant for the brain, it’s why you drink it to wake up, but that also means it can hinder your ability to enjoy quality sleep. Even if you don’t drink it before you go to sleep, having a coffee later in the day is still going to have an effect.
  2. You no longer get the energy buzz. Coffee makes you feel exceptionally energetic. If that stops happening, it’s a good sign that you should stop drinking it. You can build a tolerance to coffee over time, and if you have stopped feeling the energy buzz you used to get, then you need to consider letting go of the coffee habit. 
  3. Is it an addiction? Just as with alcohol and other substances, caffeine can be addictive. That means that your favourite truffle mocha is probably not the best thing to drink every single day. It’s not one of the worst substances in the world, but it’s one that can become out of control and dangerous for your heart if you don’t stop. Addiction to anything is never good, including caffeine. 
  4. You need to save cash. Whether you’re gracing the doors of Starbucks or the drive-thru Costa Coffee, you are going to spend a lot of money when you buy coffee. You could save a lot of money with a good flask and a coffee machine at home!
  5. Your teeth. Staining and decay, as mentioned earlier, are common outcomes of too much coffee. It’s even the case for some tea types, so make sure that you’re aware of the effect of the drinks you are taking on when you make them.

Giving up coffee will cause a few headaches, but it’ll be worth it!

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