3 Bedroom Investments You Need To Make Today
When it comes to our bedrooms, many of us have very differing opinions about where to spend our money. For some of us, our bedroom is the one place in the family home where you can finally allow your true style to flourish. You may consider it your own private haven; somewhere you can relax in and where you don’t have to worry about constantly stepping on a toy left out by one of your little darlings! For others, its purpose is merely functional, and we consider it little more than a place to sleep.

But, if you are anything like most homeowners, you may be planning a little refresh to some of the rooms in your home – your bedroom being one of them. Knowing where to put your money in a bedroom refurb can be a little more complicated than other rooms in the house. Some of us may be tempted to jump straight into decor, but is this really the most functional use of a refurb you could make? Here are a few of the top ideas for finally splurging a bit of money on your bedroom that can make a real difference to your quality of life.
An en-suite or a dressing room
Do you have a small room or a walk-in cupboard that is attached to your bedroom? Is it serving any particular purpose at the moment or is it merely sitting there, gathering dust? If so, you may want to think about refurbing this room into a more useful space, such as a walk-in closet or even an en-suite bathroom (if it is big enough). Doing this can really increase the value of your home as well, so it’s perfect if you are thinking of selling in the future.
A great bed
So many people these days undervalue the importance of a good night’s sleep. If you get only a few hours a night, or if your sleep is regularly disturbed or disrupted, have you ever thought that it might be down to your bed? Scour a website such as Foam Nights to find a dreamy mattress that will support your night time needs. Some people opt for a firm mattress that supports their whole body, whereas others go for a softer, squishier one. It all depends on your personal preference, but a mattress is a great investment that you won’t regret making. Additionally, make sure you have a supportive and sturdy bed frame that doesn’t creak every time you roll over!
Ambient lighting
Bedroom lighting should naturally differ from the other lighting in your home, mainly because it should be designed as a place of rest. Bright, harsh lights signal to our bodies that it is still daytime, so opt for softer, dimmer lights in your bedroom. Table and floor lamps are perfect for this kind of thing – and if you don’t have enough power sources for them, simply get a few extra installed, or utilize an extension cord.